Universal cabinet for data and telecommunication purposes. High load capacity for demanding applications, large selection of dimensions and variants together with wide range of accessories and perfect workmanship of all details make it the top cabinet in our offer.
Zesílený skelet
Ocelový plech 1,3 mm.
Čtyřbodové uchycení posuvné ližiny
Ocelový plech 2,5 mm.
Kliky Tritón
Výměnou plastového modulu (není příbalem) lze zvolit zámkovou vložku klasickou nebo polocylindrickou.
Patent: PUV 2013-27443.
Rozšířené stojiny skeletu
Rozšířené stojiny skeletu jsou určeny pro dodatečnou montáž 19“ rozvodných panelů, které tak nezabírají prostor
v rozvaděči. Díky promyšlenému uchycení nebrání výsuvným serverům ani u verze rozvaděče 600 mm široké.
Navíc verze „A5“ (na konci kódu rozvaděče) má ve stojinách vylamovací záslepky pro možné protažení kabelů mezi sousedícími rozvaděči.
Perforované stojiny
Otvory v celé výšce stojin odpovídají unitové roztěči vertikálních lišt.
Laserové značení vertikálních lišt
Ocelový plech 2 mm.
Hlavní zemnící bod M8
Nasazovací panty
Standardní dveřní panty je možno nahradit nasazovacími.
Všechny oddělitelné části jsou vzájemně pospojeny dle požadavků příslušné normy.
Vylamovací záslepky
Lemová hrana
Příbalem 1 m.
Rozvaděče šíře 800 mm
15 – 47 unitů
Flex frame
Systém umožňuje u šířky 800 mm instalaci posuvných lišt v rozponu 19“, 21“ a 23“.
Volitelné příslušenství
Horizontální vyvazovací panel.
Vertikální vyvazovací panel.
Rozvodné panely
Možnost instalace PDU do stojin rozvaděče pomocí držáku (volitelné příslušenství).
Zvýšené krytí IP30
Snadnou montáží ochranných lišt na horní a spodní část rámu předních dvěří a zadního krytu
je možné zvýšit krytí rozvaděče na IP30.
RAC-IP-X01-X1 pro rozvaděče šíře 600 mm
RAC-IP-X02-X1 pro rozvaděče šíře 800 mm
Obsah balení:
profil pro montáž ke dveřím, zadnímu krytu ……. 4x
záslepka otvoru ve stojině ………………………………..12x
záslepka do čepice u šířky 600 mm ………………….13x
záslepka do čepice u šířky 800 mm ………….………15x
Navýšení nosnosti z 1200 kg na 1500 kg
Zesilující prvek vertikálních lišt RAX-VR-Txx-X2
Uzavřený profil z materiálu tloušťky 1,5 mm (4 ks). Zvýší nosnost rozvaděče až na 1500 kg.
Doporučená vyztužující sada RAX-VR-Txx-Yx
Pro rozvaděče šíře 800 mm. Její montáž stabilizuje rozvaděč a zárověň umožňuje vertikální vyvázání kabeláže.
Rigid construction
The RTA has a robust welded construction, which is made completely of 1.3 mm thick material. High quality workmanship and the latest technology ensure excellent design of the cabinet.
Flexible door opening
The hinge system allows the door to open 165°. The door can be easily removed and re-mounted to change the direction of opening. The double wing doors are equipped with hook-on hinges.
The metal doors with glued glass are made of 4 mm thick tempered safety glass, which is resistant to common impacts. When broken, it forms a number of small fragments like automotive glass. For safety reasons, we recommend closing the door after installing the equipment in the cabinet to prevent collision with other objects. Used glass is tested in a certified testing laboratory and meet the requirements of ČSN EN 12150-1+A: Glass in construction – Thermally tempered soda-lime-silicate safety glass. The tested glass meets the standard for the disintegration of glass after breakage, Certificate of Conformity CQ-24- 2023, Test Protocol IKATES 58A-2024.
Tritón handles
We manufacture our own handles for the free-standing cabinets. By replacing the plastic module (not included), a half-cylindrical lock insert can be fitted. Patent: PUV 2013-27443
Adjustable vertical rails
Vertical 19” rails can be adjusted freely in any depth of the cabinet. This simplifies mounting of the device and configuration of cables.
Removable side panels and rear cover
RTA is a cabinet with welded skeleton, removable side panels and rear cover. The covers are attached to the skeleton by locks, as a standard with uniform key (variants A1 and A5). Variants A3 and A7 have panels secured with safety countersunk screws.
Door for fan units
With this cabinet type, it is possible to order a special metal door ready for mounting RAx-CH-X0x-X3 fan units. Further information is available in the section Active cooling.
Break-out blanking panels
Entry openings for cables are covered with breakout-type blanking panels. To prevent dust penetration, cables can be sealed in the opening with a brush strip, or simply secure by a protective fringe edge (both supplied with the cabinet).
Opening for a fan unit
A large opening covered with a breakout-type blanking panel enables mounting and removal of the Triton fan unit from the outside of the cabinet without the need of using screws.
Castors, levelling feet, base
The cabinet can be placed on levelling feet (included) or, with optional equipment, on a base, castors or heavy-duty castors with reinforcing frame.
Rear side of the cabinet
There are two cable entries on the rear wall of the cabinet covered with breakout panels. One is at the top and the other at the bottom edge of the cover. The other cable entries are on the ceiling and in the base of the cabinet.
Perforation of the skeleton
The RTA cabinets have a perforated skeleton to provide cooling air access to the installed technology. Cooling can be supported by the installation of fan units.
All detachable parts are bonded together according to the requirements of the relevant standard.
Flex frame
(valid for 800 mm wide cabinets) The system allows the installation of sliding rails in 19”, 21” and 23” spans. Another option is to shift the 19” vertical rail spacing to one side to provide more space on the other side.
Middle pair of vertical rails
For enclosures deeper than 800 mm, a third pair of vertical rails for mounting the technology is supplied as standard. Thanks to their open profile, they do not restrict the installation of deeper equipment. Shorter devices can be mounted on the central vertical rail using different types of brackets (optional accessories).
Wide skeleton rails
The wide skeleton rails are designed for the additional installation of accessories, such as power distribution units or vertical cable management panels that do not occupy the 19” units inside cabinet. Thanks to the design, the power distribution panels do not limit the use of slide-out servers even in 600 mm wide cabinets.
Accessories in skeleton rails
The skeleton rails have mounting holes on the inner edges throughout their entire height. The holes are at the unit spacing of the vertical rails and can be can be used for mounting certain types of accessories.
Skeleton rails on A5 and A7 versions
The “A5” and “A7” versions (at the end of the cabinet code) have in skeleton rails the cable entries with break-out covers to allow patch cords to be routed between the adjacent cabinets.
Optional accessoriesRAC-VP-D5x-X1
Horizontal cable management panel. Installation in the skeleton (rail) of the cabinet.
Vertical cable management panel. Installation in the cabinet skeleton rail.
Power distribution units
Possibility of installing the PDU in the skeleton rails of the cabinet using a bracket (optional accessory).
Swing frame
All 800 mm wide RTA cabinets can be equipped with a swing frame with a load capacity of 150 kg. Maximum available depth of the 19“ equipment is 330 mm.
Increase in load capacity from 1200 kg to 1500 kg
Reinforcing element of the vertical rails RAX-VR-Txx-X2. Closed profile made of 1 mm thick material (4 pieces). It increases the load capacity of the cabinet up to 1500 kg.
Operating conditions
Installation of the cabinet
Environmental protection
Certificate and conformity
Technical support:
Levelling feet installation guide
Installation guide for castors with reinforcement frame
RAX-VP-X77-X1 to RAX-VP-X82-X1 Horizontal management installation guide
RAX-VP-X83-X1 to RAX-VP-X88-X1 Horizontal management installation guide
RAX-VR-Txx-X2 reinforcement kit installation guide
RAC-VM-Axx-A1 swing frame installation guide
Technical Advisor – Selection and calculation of wheel load capacity
All 800 mm wide Triton cabinets can be equipped with a swing frame for mounting devices that require rear access.
The swing frame reduces the usable height of the cabinet by 5U and can carry up to 150 kg.
The frame is locked with two locks in a closed position. The distance of the swing frame from the cabinet door can be smoothly adjusted.
The position of the frame inside the cabinet affects the maximum usable depth of the mounted devices.
When mounted in the optimal position, it can be used with 19“ device, max. 330 mm deep. The swing frame can be installed simultaneously with 19“ verticals.